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Our Experience
Our founders began as design engineers and business managers while they progressed in their respective careers by managing various departments within the companies they worked for.
These unique opportunities allowed them to develop valuable skills and insight, which has yielded several years of combined experience in integrating, developing, and managing products from an engineering prototype to a final marketable and manufacturable product while obtaining an objective view on costing methods.
Market Sectors We Serve
Civil and Commercial Air
Military Ground Vehicles
Military Air
Law Enforcement
Border Patrol
Our Products are Proudly
Made in the USA
All Products
Cage Code: #6PQC4
DUNS: 02-668-1220
Dual Mode Map Light
Blue Wolf’s Dual Mode Map light comes with a standard White (4K 90 CRI) primary lighting color, and a secondary color choice of NVIS White, NVG Green-A, red, or even blue colors. The map light has an extra firm 10" flexible gooseneck for heavy military use applications, flexible light positioning, and full 0 to 100% dimming control.
Dimming Unit
The new Remote Dimming Unit (RDU) by Blue Wolf eases balancing issues when utilizing mixed LED and incandescent bulb-type lighting circuits.
IR Brake/Tail Light
Blue Wolf’s Multi-Mode Tactical Vehicle Tail Light (BW-A415-IR) provides over 40k hours of on-axle dependability. Our reliable LED lights offer bright running light and braking light in low-light and no-light operations as well as infrared 940nm signature light for Black-Out mode operations...
IR Signature LIght
Our infrared convoy signature light is now available with a full black-out optional filter. Forces need to more fully conquer vision challenges during brownouts, bad weather and other sight-obscuring conditions while sharing information from night vision devices among servicemen in real time.
Portable NVG Lighting
Blue Wolf and our partner CTSi have jointly developed a new and portable Expeditionary Lighting Kit (“ELK”). This covert lighting system can be for use in airborne, land and maritime missions. The system provides a tactical lighting mission kit compatible with NVIS systems that can be installed on an “as needed” basis.
Mini NVG Spot Light
Blue Wolf’s new mini spotlight was designed to go where few specialty lights can.
Measuring less than 2 inches in length and 11/16 inches in diameter, our “mini-spot” can be mounted in myriad locations throughout cockpits, cabins, crowded instrument panels and other important recessed areas.
Dual Mode 4" Flat Pack
Blue Wolf’s new line of Dual Mode Lighting products involves the use of NVIS LED's and normal WHITE led's integrated together into a single product package. Having two lighting sources designed into a singular lighting product provides the end user with multiple lighting options without having to provide a fixture for NVIS mode, and then another fixture for normal White light mode.
Small Step Light
Blue Wolf’s new thin NVIS-NVG Step light can be fixed in place easily by two screws for areas requiring illumination. Made out of a durable aluminum construction, this small NVG LED light has a wide 90 x 110 degree LED illumination beam and can easily be mounted in almost any location.
Custom Design Services
Do you have a custom lighting need or special project request? We have designed and manufactured many different types of lights, products, circuit boards, machines, and more not shown on this page for other OEMs, customers, and special needs projects.
Please contact us for any specific or special projects needs. We do lighting, machining, mechanical, eletrical, PCB, and many other design, manufacturing, and assembly services. NDA's welcome if needed.
Feston Bulb
Blue Wolf is introducing a new thin NVIS/NVG Vehicle Dome Light Bulb for Border Patrol and Law Enforcement Surveillance vehicles. This is also known as a Festoon Bulb.
Blue Wolf’s newest NVIS Interior Dome Light for police and border patrol vehicles easily converts most police sedan’s interior lighting from Incandescent and/or LED lighting to NVG compatible white light.
Coming Soon
Coming soon
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